
*411 on me*


*Nalani's Talent*

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"God BLess The USA" .. in rememberance of all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001

WaSSuPs it's me aka da DeMeNTeD 1
MaD SHouT ouTz 2 my GuRLz
JuLiE mah sauce sistah uR always there for me when i need u, 143 mah gothic schlut sistah hehehe ..
LiSSeR my LiTTLe ELMeR BuDDY WeLCoMe BaCK BaYBee ... i missed you!!
NaLaNz my sunshine, da 1 who luvs racer doods wit pokey pine hair, i luv yew bebe!! u have become one of my bestest online & offline budz & no matter wat i know we alwayz gotz each oddas back!! i dunno wat i'd do wit out YOU!! *muahz*
SaNDY mah bestest fwen u MaRRieD mah werse enemie ErRrRrRr but i still LuBS u .. i miss our "college" dayz. the late night talks, the hotel party, the culinary contests we entered, those were the days *sigh* give Joen,Julian, & Jamian a kiss from me =Þ
BReeZY you too are one of my BESTEST friends, in life i have been *so* lucky with *most* of the friends i've chosen. you are one of the elite few who shines above all the others!!! i love you & miss you chokest!!!
CeeNie my love, my HoNeY BuNcHeS of OaTS, who knew you would make me fall in love with you, but some how u did it!! i love you with all my heart ... i love you more everyday for all the kind, thoughtfull, & loving things you do for me!! you truley are "one of a kind!!" *Vee -N- CeeNie* forever
aNNa BaNaNa what can i say about you? you are the best manager anyone can work for, you too have also become like a "sister" to me. we've been through alot of crap together inside & outside of work, but through it all we had each other & thats what got us through it!! i love you "seeeeesssttttteerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" =Þ
"LoCaL Boiz No Ka Oi"
LaRRiaNo WaSSuP GooD FaRMeR lolz
MiKeY WaSSuP mah NiGGa mah *HaNDSoMe* JaPaNeSe BeBe *muahz*,
CHaRLie& aDaM u guyz had fo move VeGaS dammit i MiSS u guyz *muahz*,
RiCo mah newest fwen, ur a CHaRaCTeR, but i LuBS u n e wayz,
E*Rock my palsie walsie, u was ALWAYS der wen i needed a sholder to cry on cuz of "mr wonderfull" i will forever treasure ur friendship, & member im always der for u kayz?
SPaRKY through the several months i've gotten to know u, u have become one of my BESTEST friends!! even though we fight like EVERY dayum day (hahaha) i still love ya!!
HoMe BoY wassup *HoMie* u & i have a unique relationship, i can talk to u about anything & you cand the same with me, maybe we talk a little too much about *everything* ya think?? hahaha ... nah but i luv u homie, & i know all the crap u went through & are going through ... u know im there for u whenever u need me, as well as ann & jenn . dont ever forget that!!
CHRiS you better treat ann good, or else u gotta answer to me thats allz i gotz to say about that!! hahaha, nah but ur a kool guy i dont really know u all that well yet cuz i jus met u bout a month ago, but so far ur aiight =x take good care of my sis, i leave her in ur hands now
JoE JoE BeaN u did NOT help meeh wiff mah page i did it MYself hehehe i LuBS YeW
DJ Hoeaccording to Karries "brother" Cliff imma DJ HOE FOR LIFE & dayum im PROUD TO BE!!!! but u know wat dey say bout dem Sacred Hearts gurls .. lying DYKES!!!


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