Alaska from the sky. Only seven more hours to go!

The first bizarre sight we saw was the fabulous Dancing Monkey Mascot.
Just what was this fellow trying to sell us anyway?

Oh, how rude. Please let me introduce our team coach, Fearless Daven Alden, getting down with his bad self atop Tokyo Tower, Godzilla's favorite target.

And what in the blue hell? Oh, it's team manager, Juke Jivin' Jack Fultz, up to some samurai shenanigans.

Oh, the insanity.

Chad, did we miss your stop?

Scott donned his robe in Izumo to do battle with the toilet and its many gadgets and functions.

Later, Scott and his guide shared a laugh over the ordeal.

"Water Is Not Safe For Drinking."

No, Dave. Wait! (Pat looks on apathetically in the background.)


One of the many beautiful shrine posts we encountered.

And inside, we learned that in October the gods from throughout Japan gather in Izumo.


The tallest stone lighthouse in Japan.

And the ever chiseled Barry, too!

Mmm, teriyaki minnows. A Japanese delicacy.

Ah, the lovely Western Japanese coastline, where sea meets sky and the mountains tuck them in.

Oh, look. Our good friends Bill Murray and Scarlett Johanssen!