Sometime in July 1994, as the Ancient Spirits reigned supreme in the South-East-Asian tribal land- the Philippines,with great anger and chaos, as the infernal fire burns high with great knowledge of evil while the good remains unseen, came the existence of the black Metal sheeps INCARION. Founded by the two blackened souls who ascended from the deepest pits of the Abyss- DARKKON (bass/vocals) and UNLIGHT (guitars).GER later joined in to pound the drums that summons the dark souls, right there and then the band started to play their original materials of intensely barbaric Black Metal.

Unable to face the grim reality of being one with the Darkness, Ger left but was quickly replaced by EMPTINESS. To complete a solid line up, LENNARD joined in to play the second guitar. Together they played several underground gigs and stormed the land with unholy blasphemy. But due to some personal reasons, Lennard had to left the group, so they summoned an old colleague, the ancient spirited and black blooded LUCIFERNICUS to fill in the void left by Lennard's demise. They continue to spread the essence of true evilness and later recorded their self-titled rehearsal demo. After two years of struggle, Emptiness' soul started to crumble, he became weak, decided to left the band and and live among the hopeless Christians.

The next two years Incarion continue their dark conquest with different session drummers until they have found MALIFECARIUM, a creature with an evil soul filled with aggression and intensity. They also tried another vocalist, CHAOS HELLSHRIEK HELBRINGER, an old ally, but things did not work out well with him, so the band remained four piece. Incarion once again lived and roamed the great realms of Khargero and together with the current line up of Darkkon, Unlight, Lucifernicus, and Malifecarium, they recorded another demo entitled Blasphemiak, containing three tracks with different kind of intensity, hate and aggression. Now with a solid line up Incarion shall reign eternally.



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