=Thoughts and Whatnot=


Journal Entry-05.29.00

What's new? Ok, well, I have a prom date now (yay me) and I was trying to hook my good friend up with this guy who in turn liked me at one point in time, (not going to mention who). Well sadly, that isn't going to work out so I might as well leave it at that.
Oh yeah, Prom is coming up. The Home Grown concert is the day before prom. At first, I wasn't going to attend prom because I swore I'd never go to it. It's so not my type of thing but I'm going anyway.

Oh my God, responses to my article in the L.A. Youth paper were not so pleasant. The kids ripped me to shreds. Some disputed that I "claimed to be a Hardcore punk", that I "thought blink 182 was punk." One person even called me a retarded writer! They missed the whole message behind the article. I'm not going to stress about that because I know that I cannot please everybody and its stupid to think that EVERYone was going to like that article. I knew after writing it that I was going to be made fun of. I even told my mom that I was going to be ridiculed for it. haha. I should be proud that I started some sort of controversy. Its so embarrassing though!! Shit, I mean people all over the high schools in So. Cal are going to fucking see those harsh comments about me and my "shitty article". I'm over it now though.

Something that came to a shock to me today was when johnee trash and I were chatting online and told me some disheartening news. I think we all knew it was bound to happen considering what happened with Bawb and stuff. Oh well, I'm just fortunate that I got to see them in concert all those times, even with Ian still in the band, and I was lucky enough to interview them. I'm just happy about that. Hey, and they will always be my favorite band =)

=yesterday tomorrow=

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