Penny Arcade

Bubble's Island

Aloha traveler!

"Here is where the main island is," Bubbles said gesturing with a hoof. "Its not very big or very much now, but we are building it up very quickly, and the more ponies arrive the faster we can work!" She grinned and took a sip of her drink. You can wander all over the island...No one will really care." She turned to head back to the beach. "Oh and hey, if you see any ponies you can talk to them...And please sign our guestbook...Its lets us keep track of our tourists!...But I've gotta get back to the beach before Empress Yuna wakes up! I'll see ya around!" As she sauntered off you turn to look around, and just to you left is a cluster of signs pointing every-which-way..Which one do you follow?

UPDATEI have discovered the Church of the Evil Dead. WARNING NOT FOR LIL KIDDIES! (IM)MATURE HUMANS ONLY! hehe EDP is hilarious!!!

ANOTHER UPDATEOk Im starting a 2002 US exclusive MLP swap box! If you dont know what that is go here. And to join email me at or! Its loads of fun! An experience you shouldnt pass up!

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