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Welcome to Billy the Kid's Page!

OK. My web page isn't all that fancy. It is not because I am inexperienced with HTML, but I prefer not to annoy you by making you spend a lot of time loading up tons of animations, graphics, and other sorts of crazy stuff that other personal websites do.

On eBay, my ID is "Billy the Kid" (or billythekid16 to be exact). The reason I chose that ID is not because of the famous western outlaw of the same name, but because a (former) co-worker consistently calls me "Billy the Kid!" whenever he first sees me in the same room. I didn't mind him calling me that at all. And I thought at some point it would be a good name to use as an alias online.

Many people say that I am much smarter than I even give myself credit for. I've been upgrading my computer for several years now... all by self-education along with some help from friends, both off and on-line. I don't even have a computer science or an engineering degree! And I graduated from Northeastern University with a bachelor's degree in the arts. So perhaps they may be right.

You can check out what my workhorse computer looks like here. And my sister's computer here

Feel free to look around this page and tell me what you think. It will always be under construction. I check my e-mail regularly, and will reply to your message as soon as I possibly can.

My Favorite Software Links

The Best Site for Windows Freeware. Carefully selected by the readers and posters from the newsgroup.

AVG Antivirus for Windows (Free Edition)

F-Prot Antivirus for DOS (Free for Home Use!)

Page Last Updated: June 24, 2002.