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Welcome to Ben's Page


Welcome to my sons page

A little about me.. My name is Dina. I'm a 36 yr old SAHM to 9 yr old Benjamin.. We live in Southern California.

I love being online and playing games at a site called pogo and chatting online with my friends

About my son: Benjamin was born February 24th ,1999 weighing 6lbs even. He's a happy healthy 8 yr old who loves STAR WARS,and takes after his parents with music(he loves 80s heavy metal lol). He's a very bright young man. He's been in the top of his class.. only in first grade but reading 3rd grade level.. and seeing him  go from a little baby to a big boy with his own thoughts and his own way is one of the joys of being a parent.

He loves His game boy and his 3 best friends.Nick and Nate(twins) and Joshua. He has a very vivid imagination when it comes to playing.

I hope to be able to update his page often with new pictures.Some of the pictures will appeared blurred or distorted due to them being taken on a webcam and some just turned out that way on here for some reason.


Ben Standing in front of chickens



Ben and Santa, 2001


Ben at age 3 Feb. 17th, 2002


Another shot at age 3



Taken on mother's Day 2002


Ben and his pumpkin on halloween 2002


Halloween 2002


Ben in his Thomas the tank engine costume


ben opening trains on xmas 2002


pic of ben showing off a new outfit


ben with his uncle matt and his wife amy on easter 2003


ben and his favorite nemo shark june 2003


here's ben looking cool lol in june 2003


here's ben as darth vader halloween 2003


Ben and one of his girlfriends brianna halloween 2003


Ben on his trike sept 2003


Here's a webcam pic of ben in jan 2004


Here is Ben's 5yr pics taken in March 2004.this is a pic that had to be retaken off the webcam due to lack of the scanner working, so may look distorted


Here's another 5yr pic 2004(same webcam as above one)


UPDATED....finally here's a recent pic of Ben taken xmas 2005's a pic taken April 2006Ben winning the top award for his 1st grade class

here's Ben halloween 2007

here's a pic just of Ben taken around nov or dec 2007

Here's a pic of myself,Ben, my mother and my Nephew with his mom taken July 2007

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