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Home of Paperball
positive feedback
The Rentals
Reel Big Fish
Relient K
Freak Nasty Exitwound Allstars
{tuesday night}
and you thought i had left this for dead. truth is i did, but unfortunately it's still twitching. not really but apparently i havent touched it since september 15th, and now its october 23.
i learned how to make a midi load with the start page, that was fun. even more fun than balancing stinking chemical equations.
speaking of stink and chemistry, smells like a mad case of morning breath. speaking of things that have obviously happened in over a month since the last post that nobody reads because apparently im the only person that goes to my website, marching band isnt doing half bad this year. we took 1st at our first competiton, 2nd at the next one, and 1st at the one we just had on it any coincidence that we got a score of 88.6 and someone forgot to sprinkle their uhh, bag of goodies on the field?
{saturday night}
havent updated in too long. over a week. been too speechless about tuesday the 11th to say much of anything coherent on here.
for comic relief, however inappropriate it may be, i leave you with this:

oh come on itchy you know you like it. if on the off chance you happen to despise it, tell me and ill take it down. :)
of all the mornings ive woken up to this summer, the sky has been the most beautiful on this morning. its almost like the last day of summer is laughing in our faces. 'HA id like to see you try and enjoy this day, when you go back to the grind TOMORROW!' and then it cackles. and thats just unpleasant.
im so not ready to go back to school, i just found my bookbag in the back of my closet, and ive been staying up til 2 and sleeping in til 11 all summer.
what is it about storms that makes you want to rush outside with the largest metal object available and....i just lost my train of thought. i think ill go buy one of those honda generators like in that commercial where the people start making out when the power fails. that way ill never ever have to shut off the computer for a storm. speaking of shutting things off, this thunder is getting close enough to tear away my computer's will to live with one crack of lightning.
{tuesday afternoon}
Worst Pickup Line of ALL TIME
"baby, we've been together for over and year, and i love you so much, but im not really a man i'm a woman"
an existence void of daytime talk shows would hardly be an existence at all. i also wish i lived in chicago so i could be a regular audience member on all the really sleazy shows.
{monday evening}
remind me again why staying at my dad's house overnight isnt a good idea? could it be the whole of the marlboro corporation? could be. yes that's exactly it. but as a consolation prize (but not to my lungs) i got to drive his brand new truck. fun. yea he might not have screamed at me for being in the wrong lane when i WAS in the right lane. then he told me i needed to calm down, when he was the one doing all the screaming and i was the one doing all the blank staring and nodding. right.
{saturday night}
im glad my smutty library books not only occupied my time but put me to sleep for 2 hours this evening. i woke up and heard the ice cream truck, but you know it doesnt go by my house so it's just a cruel cruel tease.
I would like to thank Morgan for putting another log on the fire that is my love for Brittney Cleary's 'IM Me' song. reading the lyrics doesn't compare to hearing the song in all its auralicious glory, but i wouldnt be human if i didnt post these bodacious lyrics.
Let's meet at the same time
Same place
Send your jpeg, I wanna see your face
Girlfriend, send an I.M. 

No time to spell 
Oops, there goes that little bell
Bye, bye for now

I gotta go, but watch for me 'cause
I'll be right back, BRB
So sign on, and I.M. me 

Mom thinks I'm doing homework
Yeah, research
But I can't help it, I've just got to surf
I gotta chat with my girlfriends on line

We're digital divas 
Believe us
This Girl Wide Web is hot stuff
My buddy list is growing all the time 


I got a web page
A domain
Sign my guest book with your screen name
Check it out, then send an I.M. 

What's your profile?
Favorite quote?
This is just like passing notes
It's easier to type than use a pen 
{saturday afternoon}
band camp has passed! i think we're out of the woods now, or at least i didnt die during that dum set where we have to swoop around that arc and i almost penetrate the back of lindsay's skull with the end of my slide.
so yesterday was tfg at lake kandle. i drove there and so now theres like a dent in the floor on the passenger side where my mom kept tryint to hit the brakes. i would say that tfg was uneventful but theres video footage that proves otherwise. that might not make me want to scream. 8^) o well it was funny *and fun* i know it you know it we all know it.
{wednesday night}
so one more day of band camp. several pounds of perspiration gone. great week so far.
so today i went to lunch with ned cause he goes to college tomorrow *the unks will never be complete again* and we left the tip in british pounds. so i lied, we didnt, but we were going to because the waitress was a real wench. also, wawa does not accept british currency.
i didnt write yesterday cause we were at ben's watching springer, among other unwholesome programs. im glad i know what a reflexophile is as a result of watching that.
{monday afternoon}
1 down, 7 more to go. band was a good time this morning, even tho anonymous trumpet player shot water out of the bell of his trumpet all over my shirt. o but that was funny. good thing the shirt was blue. and in 4 more hours the cycle begins again...its a lot like the circle of life, only, not quite so circular, and not so much having to do with life.
{monday morning}
so band camp is upon us. ahhh happy days are here again.
{still sunday}
i just realized i like writing in this thing. i also just realized that if i weren't me i would wonder why i wrote the things i did on this site. then i realized that everybody is me.
{later sunday}
so the positioning is fixed. i feel a little stupid for not realizing how to do it right away. o well. the page still looks boring. it will never be as lovely as the BSQ site. also, i like to play vehicular manslaughter golf. 40 points for ladies with strollers, -15 for pre-extinguished roadkill. *sick* <--but you know its better than some things.
now these entries can be scrolled through. the fun never stops, does it? later today ill move this thing over since it looks pretty putrid sitting right here. but for now i have to go drive to k-mart and get spray paint so i can inhale the noxious vapors take it to band camp tomorrow.
{saturday afternoon}
somewhere in my house, someone is listening to 'jinglebell rock' it is still august, isnt it?
i dont really understand why people have splash pages on their sites. but i have one and im almost done giving it a facelift. heh. that reminds me of the commercial i saw yesterday for 'facelifters' and there was a family of kitchen cabinets talking about how ugly they were. you know you've hit an all time low when even your kitchen cabinets have low self esteem.
{the wee hours of saturday}
so here you have it. a layout to please the masses.
i know it brings a tear to my eye. so i saw 'summer catch' tonight. or rather friday evening. enourmous woman in a thong aside, it was an alrite movie. i enjoyed it (not the woman, the movie experience). 8^)
also, dont say 'is this what its going to look like when its finished' or i will post pictures of you in your sleep, regardless of if any exist.
{friday evening}
progress is being made. and its so great since, this portion of the
site isnt up yet but its still nice to be giving myself a
pat on the back
{very early friday morn}
more content to come, i totally promise. you really think i'd
leave you hanging with this chunk of nothingness?
so this is the start of a new revolution. if by revolution
i mean an updated layout then that is what it is.