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The Universal Unicorns

Baby Rainbow of Light

Without a doubt, the greatest power in all of Pony History, the Rainbow of Light is guarded, appropriately, by Baby Rainbow of Light. This special baby pony was bred from the magic of the Rainbow of Light itself. She is the most unique looking of all the rainbow ponies, for her colorings and markings are very dark and very distinct. She is a very secretive pony, rarely speaking to the others, and obeying only Majesty. Quite like the other rainbow babies, however, she is naturally drawn to the arc of color we call the rainbow, and can summon one brighter and more magnificent than any other rainbow pony in Ponyland. The Rainbow Locket is kept ever around the neck of Baby Rainbow of Light, and it may only be held or used by another with her consent. The Rainbow obeys her every whim and command, which is testament to the fact that every element of Ponyland is instrinsically and magically connected.

Baby Nephrita

Baby Nephrita is actually an adult pony. She has grown to the fullest size she can ever achieve, and is actually known to the other Universal Unicorns as merely Nephrita. She is descended from an exceedingly rare breed of Nephrite unicorns who are believed to have numbered no more than seven through all of time. According to popular pony myth, Majesty is descended from that exact group of unicorns, though it is unkown why she does not display their jade color. Nephrita is a wise little pony, and it is she who collects knowledge and wisdom from all regions of the universe to share with the others. She is the pony prophet.

Baby Starlight

Baby Starlight is the only denizen of Majety's kingdom who does not reside in the rolling meadows of Dream Valley. She is forever entrusted with the illumination of the universe and handles it quite well despite her tender age. At times, when the sparkling spheres and speeding comets forget that she is the source of their light, she descends to the Golden Autumn and reacquaints herself with the ways of Majesty's domain. Here she is seen in one of those rare moments of grounded, earthly bliss.

Baby Celesta

Baby Celesta is another baby unicorn unique to The Golden Autumn. She was made from a special alicorn based in the magical configuration and qualities of the waters of Dream Valley's birthing pool, which explains in part her blinding luminescence. Baby Celesta is very much the uniting force among the ponies who come to The Golden Autumn, for it is she who inspires in all of us a love for all things Pony. Were it not for her, we would likley have never had the courage to invite the few mortals like yourself who continue to believe in the pony race to visit this special (and rarely seen) sector of Dream Valley.

Baby Moondancer and Baby Glory

These two baby unicorns need no introduction, and are certainly no strangers to the sanctuary of The Golden Autumn. Being the first two baby unicorns of the current generation to emerge from the birthing pool, these two are perennial favorites of all pony lovers. One thing to keep in mind is that these babies have manes and tails of lighter color than their mothers. As they grow, their manes become gradually darker, and that is precisely what the babies have come to show off! Baby Gusty, one of our bolder baby unicorns, also makes an appearance. Pretty, aren't they?
Moondancer and Glory

The inseparable, inimitable unicorn legends! Caught in a "different" stance! Elegant Glory is the most adventurous of Ponyland's unicorns, always in search of a spirited friend . . . one who believes in magic, and of course, in unicorns. Is it you? Moondancer is a very special unicorn, bred from the magic of the red stars which sparkle brightly above The Golden Autumn. She is gifted with a special magic that makes her glow, and can also illuminate others who may want to remain hidden.
Miscellaneous Images of the Universal Unicorns

the innocence of earth