Rainbow Baby Ponies
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Rainbow Baby Ponies

Baby Skydancer

I will not make any qualms about it: Baby Skydancer is my favorite Rainbow Baby. Why? Well, her mother happens to have been the first pony I ever met. We share a history more profound and twisted than most can imagine ever sharing with a pegasus. Baby Skydancer has one passion: to canter and careen between the clouds among the several special species of bird flocks which inhabit Ponyland. Her favorites are the Feathercocks, who join her frequently in her midair pirouettes and spins, which we will admit are less than dainty. But she knows that. And she also knows that in time she too will have the grace and ability to dance from cloud to cloud that her mother has shown for so very long.

Baby Starshine

Baby Starshine, like her mother, is a peculiar pegasus pony. She says very little and accomplishes quite a lot. It's not unheard of the young Starshine to travel from Dream Valley to unkown galaxies and back in a single day. Indeed, she and her mother have spent many an afternoon exploring the celestial yonder and its various inhabitants, which of course means more trouble than a pair of curious pegasi can handle. Their closest call has been their encounter with the great monster Ebay, which captured the both of them and tried to sell them both off to the cruel human race. Luckily, I was able to save them both from certain doom.

Baby Moonstone

Do not be fooled! Despite her shy appearance, of all the baby ponies born into Ponyland, this is the greatest mischief maker of them all! If you ask her defensive mother, Baby Moonstone's penchant for trouble is the result of her enormous power (the rotation and shifting of the planets and stars) which she simply cannot control at such a tender age. Ask the other ponies and you'll hear horror stories of tumbling comets and blazing asteroids which brought Ponyland to near destruction. Ask Baby Moonstone and you'll have to answer the plaintive question: What's a super powerful baby unicorn to do?

Baby Windy

Baby Windy has an obvious unicorn ability: to create wind. More than that, she commands every wind of the North and South, East and West. It is the West Wind which brought her to the Golden Autumn and she remains here for much of the time whilst her mother is off taming the wild breezes which wander toward Dream Valley. All in all, she is one of the few rainbow ponies you won't find in the vicinity of that sparkling, enormous arc of color known as the rainbow.

Baby Parasol

Awwwwww . . . ! Arguably the cutest of the rainbow babies, Baby Parasol lives for the rare rainy day which visits Ponyland. She is irresistibly sweet and heart-breakingly naive, but her mother makes sure this little one is kept safe from harm. She is often sighted at the foot of the rainbow where she tries valiantly to climb atop and run wildly with the soaring pegasi and vanishing unicorns.

Baby Sunlight

What does one say about Baby Sunlight? If Baby Parasol lives for the rain, Baby Sunlight prays for the sun. And more often than not, her prayers are answered. After all, Ponyland is a sunny, happy place. Content with her station as the least mischevious baby pony, she is forever to be found at the very top of the rainbow, resting in the warm light the sun showers on her soft, small being.

the rainbow's end