The Collector Baby Ponies
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The Collector Baby Ponies

Baby Blue Belle

Baby Blue Belle is the oldest of the collector babies. She is almost at that age when little ponies are about to step out of babyhood and into a more responsible age. This is welcome news, as Baby Blue Belle is known for one thing and one thing only: she is a mistress of the art of getting into trouble! Her mother has trouble scolding her for the endless calamities that seem to befall her little one for she is such a good little pony, and even the strictest ponies agree that trouble seems to find Baby Blue Belle, and not the other way around. Regardless, Baby Blue Belle is ponyland's yongest damsel in distress!

Baby Cotton Candy

Baby Cotton is my favorite sweetheart! She is just the kindest, nicest soul in all of Ponyland. Naturally, she is very fond of those delectable baby pony sweets made specially for the young ones, and is very lucky to have as lenient a mother as Cotton Candy, who understands her little one's penchant for any sweet and pink! Baby Cotton candy is well-known to most of those outside the Pony world as the most playful of the young ponies, and it is not a reputation without basis-no one likes games more than this cutie- even Baby Hopscotch!

Baby Minty

Baby Minty is Ponyland's foremost outdoors-pony: there is nothing she loves more than a lush, green meadow crowded with delectably delicious clovers! It always is a bit of chore to find her at night and help her settle into bed in the Nursery as she regales at lightning speed the various birds and insects she happened to meet in one of Dream Valley's meadows that day. Like the other collector babies and their mothers, she is a direct descendant of The Ancients who founded Ponyland. As you can see, Baby Minty is adorable beyond words!

Baby Snuzzle

Baby Snuzzle is a very special baby pony- she is unique in ponyland for being the only gray colored baby pony, just as her mother is the only gray bodied adult. Baby Snuzzle is an eminently huggable baby pony, and is just as eager to give hugs as she is to receive them! Her best friend in all of Ponyland is Baby Cotton Candy, who always welcomes Baby Snuzzle's sweet hugs and kisses. If you ever feel the need for that extra special hug, look no further than Baby Snuzzle- she has them in spades! Simply call her name, and let the hugging begin!

Baby Butterscotch

Baby Butterscotch is just gorgeous- just look at her! Gold from head to toe, she has freqeuntly been mistaken for the famed ghost pony of Sunrise and Sunset (which is likewise entirely golden!) Baby Butterscotch's favorite activity is to chase butterflies, but not just any old butterfly- her favorites are the enormous species of Monarch Butterflies which inhabit the meadows roamed by the Collector Ponies. Baby Butterscotch's secret desire is to team up with Baby Flutterbye (who has a similar obsession with winged insects) and spend the rest of eternity in the fabled kingdom of Monarchis, where it is said that there are more kinds of butterflies than any eyes, mortal and immortal, have ever seen. Will her dream be realized?

Baby Blossom

Here is another old friend, Baby Blossom! But wait? Doesn't she have white hair? Well, sort of. As she has grown in the last year or so, her hair has become darker to the light purple like her mother's mane. Baby Blossom is a very ardent collector of flowers, and hopes someday to have as great a collection as does Posey, though Baby Blossom certainly prefers wild flowers to the ones grown in a garden. She is always surprising random ponies with beautiful boquets of wild flowers she picks in the most magical flower beds of The Golden Autumn. In all, she is a delightful little pony!

the twinkle eyed babies