.::Dead Grandma's Parade::.

The year....1998 in a small town called Ekaltsew. Ekaltsew was your typical small suburban city....By day dead animals driving honda's around the road....by night....We'll by night...That's a whole new story....

At the high school, the cafeteria was a filthy, dispicable site. Urine in your milk, shit in your mashed potatoes, and your mom's pubic hair in the salad. It wasnt a very pleasent place to eat...but the most mysterios item at the 12:00 lunch line was the Sausage Shit patties. No one could quite figure out what it was....It was said to be cheese and two sausage patties, with two bagels....but for .50 cents, something was up. And a boy by the named Luther knew it. All the other boys would make fun of Luther because of his small sized penis, and the fact that he could not ejaculate at the tender age of 13. This boy was a genius, skipping from the pressure's of 8th grade, to the raping's of 9th. In the locker room's boys would fondle his small penis and rub his smooth pubic area, for there was not a single hair to be found. One day the boys made him ejaculate in a small black cup they got from a dorrito's bag. This was a test, for Luther had previosly exclaimed how in fact he could produce semen from balls. He said no, he just wouldnt do it. This upset boys to an external level...so one friday after noon the boys trapped him in a corner in the locker room and took turns sucking his penis till something came out. 30 minutes later.....2 little drops. Due to it's transparency, and water like fluency calling this 2 little drops, "semen" isnt right. The following Monday in school the boys told everyone in school....as Luther would walk through the halls they would all chant "2 LITTLE DROPS....2 LITTLE DROPS." One day he went home crying...he cryed like one of the boys raped by Micheal Jackson. He had enough of being picked on, beaten up, forced to perform sexual favors...Enough was enough and it was time for a change. After school he went up to the local magic shop. Luther walked in and there was a man dressed as a giant penis working the counter. Luther explained to the man dressed in the penis suit his problem, and the penis pulled a key out of his pocket, and turned around and lifted up a painting and behind it was a safe. The penis man insterted the key into the safe and opened it slowly. Inside was a dark book covered in spider webs. The penis man pulled out the book and set it on the counter. He explained to Luther the book's great and mysteroius power's. The boy paid for the book by sucking the penis man off and ran out of the store skipping down the street. As he was skipping he dripped and fell into a puddle and a car ran him over. He got up and pulled his penis out and shouted "SUCK IT" and ran away. That night when the clock hit 12:00 he got naked and started fingering his butthole till it bled. He bent over jamming his fingers up his butt and running around what the book called was "The Circle Of The Damned" that was drawn on the floor. The circle represented the most trecherous force in the universe...The dead grandma's parade. He went to bed that night thinking the calling of the grandma's of the dead had not worked. Going into school that morning changed his mind.

When he was walking to school he saw police siren's from a distance. So he ran like the butterball he was, hitting his inhaler on the way. 17 minutes and 23 seconds later he was at the sidewalk...3 minutes and 7 seconds after that he was in the back as everyone watch the scene in absolute astonishment. He couldnt get through the thick crowd. He went under the "caution" tape and gawked at a hideous site...2 of the boys were impaled into the flag poles by there dick's. The firemen working the scene had been trying to get the boys down for over an hour acting like they couldnt get them down...in reality they were shuving there feet up the 2 nude teen's butts. Luther walked away from the crowd and got a weird feeling like his spell had worked...But he thought to himself "no it couldn't be." He went to school that day and got his usual raping. He went home crying again and that night at 12 he performed the "dead grandma's parade chant" The book said if done right, 15 minutes after 12 a parade of dead grandma's would rome the street's looking for whoever they were summoned to kill. The dead grandma's parade is said to be the most sinister group of people to walk the street's, violently raping anyone in sight. Luther went out side, and went to the cemetary and waited. Just as he was about to leave he heard a noise....the noise of an old lady orgasming. He stuck around to see an old women come up from the group with dildo's stuck in her vaginal area....2 seconds later there were over 50 dead senile women roaming the streets of Ekaltsew. Luther got very frightend at the sight, not to mention the foul smell of a dead old women's vagina and butthole area. The whole night he heard cry's, and window's breaking. He hid under the cover's masturbating the whole night. The next day the cops were everywbere trying to figure out what happened....they hadnt seen a case of mass murder like this in over 20 years. The next day in school, every class he went to seemed empty. As if 35% of the school was gone. Everyday more and more people from the school ended missing to the point where there were 8 kids in the whole school...the town seemed empty also. Walking home from school after intense butt sex with the dead squirel on the sidewalk he thought to himself that the entire town was gone....not a raping in sight. This freaked luther out. So later that night while his dad was giving him a sponge bath he got out and began summoning the dead grandma's..he wanted answers. 15 minutes after 12 he went to the cemetary and waited. As the dead grandma's came out from the ground below he called for Henrietta Mantador....Queen of the female pedofile's. Luther then had to eat out 5 dead women with fork's and knives to prove he was worthy to speak to the Queen. After he did so a bolt of lightning was shot through the sky and the voices of laughing children were heard all around. Luther looked up at the sky as the wind blew and the clouds began moving in an abnormal pace. Then a bolt of lightning shot down in the cemetary and a naked women wearing a strap on dildo on her butt was seen...surrounding her were naked children and dead babies giving eachother handjobs. Henrietta began to speak and asked Luther why he had disturbed her 1 o'clock appointment with the children. Luther explained what had been happening. Henrietta replyed in a very vile voice "You worthless immortal. Maybe if you would have read the book to the fullest you would have realised the spell was not meant for the hand's of the Mortal's...What you have done shall inprison you to an eternity of child molestation....hehehhahehahehaheh" Luther began breaking down and crying...This turned Henrietta on and she began slipping her fingers down his pants. When she took out her hand it was covered in semen. "I CAN JIZZ!! I CAN JIZZ!! KEEP ON TOUCHING ME." Luther said. Luther was condemed to an eternity of Molestation and wouldnt take it back for anything.......