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80's Arcadeclassics

Welcome to my little site devoted to classic video games from the 80s

Updated Bounce 9th key pattern with a safer, easier ending.

By request I added my "Trey Apple" pattern in which you pass through 3 ghosts, it works from the 1st apple through the 2nd key, after that Blinkys timing is slightly different, so you make it through the first 2 ghosts but not Blinky


Added my best and favorite 9th key pattern, I call it Bounce. It is fast, very stable, and it is easy to notice if you are off pattern well before a collision. There is one apparent close call with Blinky, but the coolest part has you charging Pinky right before a reverse (scaring him off) he then Bounces into Inky sending him in the other direction, you have to see it it's pretty neat :) It clears the board in :44 seconds. I have a couple that are a little bit faster, but they are not as stable, and not as much fun

Keep on Pac'n

Not much here yet, I have been working on a "perfect" pacman score lately, it is pretty damn tough to get all the ghosts on the short blue boards (1st Galaxian, 2nd bell, 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th keys) as the ghosts only turn blue for about 1 second, so they must be grouped very tightly, I have had some success, I have gotten 3 kongs (1600's) on one of these boards, I can get all other 1600's on all the longer blue boards

Check out my "Invincible 9th key pacman pattern" in which pacman passes through a ghost 4 times :) and clears the board in 50 seconds it's a fun pattern, it's quite a stable pattern too, I also have some other interesting patterns I've developed, multiple apple pass throughs, and several "Bug Eyed Monster" patterns in which pacman eats an energizer at the same time as he collides with a monster, pacman dies but the monsters become discolored and look "Bug Eyed", I actually have a variation on my Invincible pattern in which I get a bug eyed collision on the 9th key boards! disproving the old myth that you can eat a ghost on the no blue boards if you eat an energizer and a ghost at the same time

David Shoup (DAS)
If you want to contact me, I am dave88 on the forums at:

Pac-Man Bounce 9th key Pattern
Trey Apple - Pass through 3 Ghosts Pac-Man Pattern
Invincible - Pass Through 4 Ghosts 9th key Pac-Man Pattern
Donkey Kong Strategy Guide