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Things Invovling Me!

This is my background music you can play it if you want...

Welcome to my amalgam of websites below I have a few miscellaneous links and then my two main portions...

The Bar


The playground

The Bar is for mature viewers of 18 or older and The Playground is intended for all ages. So sit back relax and enjoy the site. If you have any questions or comments you can either sign the guest book located in either room or you can e-mail me the address is have fun and thanks for visiting...

My Space Profile

A Friends Forum
This is a friends forum which is all about vides games and anime stuff

This is a VERY good website with information on all your decorating, recipe and ANY season or holiday themed anything, there are hundreds of pages that will give oyu hours of enjoyment!!!

Script Maker
This is a free script writing program i found

Thank you for visiting my page Please come back and visit again!
..........Oh and try to sign my guest book please.


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Sign My Guestbook
