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Summer Ventures 2002 @ Appalachian
-Boone, NC

The month spent at SVSM was one of the best months of my life. I miss all of you guys, and all the inside jokes, slangs, and songs. I'll never forget the good times we had; these are memories to last a lifetime. Thank you for all the smiles and laughters~ I love you all~ =D

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hanging out in the lobby

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model pose before the 2nd dance

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after the dance

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some of the guys

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girls in tshirts *smile*

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matt, cliff, and ivan getting it from the statues...hahah

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girls assemble at the last dance

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matt, me, tina, sweta, &jake

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sweta, tina, ivan, me, sarah, &wendy

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our 1st ride to the guy's floor

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jake and I all dressed up

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