I'm a crowd pleasing, cheer yelling, stunt building, short-skirt wearin', toe touching, hand clapping, big smilin', kick ass Cheerleader!

I'm not a cheerleader. I'm an athletic supporter.

Simply because we do not run across goal lines, slam dunk basketballs, or hit home runs, doesn't mean we can't change the score.
A good cheerleader is not measured by the height of her jumps but by the span of her spirit.

Players: A vital part of any sporting event, they entertain the crowd in the intervals between timeouts so the cheerleaders can take a well-earned break.

In any other sport, if you miss the catch all you lose is the ball.

Any man can hold a girl's hand, but only the elite can hold her feet.

Cheerleaders are simply a jump above the rest.

If cheerleading got any easier, it would be called football.

There is no halftime for cheerleaders!

The referees have always been blind, it's our job to make them deaf.

If cheerleaders are so easy, why aren't you with one?

Cheerleaders know that pyramids were not ONLY built in Egypt.

You know you're a cheerleader when you have to yell, kick, and scream to get what you want.

Flying is the second best thrill to cheerleaders; being caught is the first.

I trade sweat for strength. I trade doubt for belief. I trade cheerleading for nothing.

There is only one way to cheer - hard!

Cheerleaders are angels - we're the only humans who can fly.

Cheerleading is more than a sport; it's an attitude.

I don't play the field - I rule the sidelines.

Wimps lift weights, cheerleaders lift people.

It's hard to be humble when you can jump, stunt, and tumble! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bring It On (2000)

I'm sexy! I'm cute! I'm popular to boot! I'm bitchin'! Great hair! The boys all love to stare! I'm wanted! I'm hott! I'm everything you're not! I'm pretty! I'm cool! I dominate this school! Who am I? Just Guess! Boys wanna touch my chest! I'm rockin'! I smile! And many think I'm vile! I fly and I jump! You can look but dont you hump, WHOO! I'm danger! I roar! I swear I'm not a whore! We Cheer and we lead! We act like we're on speed! Hate us cuz we're beautiful, but WE DONT LIKE YOU EITHER! We're Cheerleaders! We Are Cheerleaders! Roll Call!

Jan: Hey ladies! Wanna see my spirit stick?

Big Red: You are all fine athletes, thanks in a large part... to me.

Darcy: Big Red ran the show, man. We were just flying ignorami, for sobbing out loud.

Jan: You know, all the cheerleaders in the world wouldn't help our football team.
Les: It's just wrong. Cheering for them is just plain mean!
Jan: everyone just comes to see you ladies anyway.
Missy Pantone: because we're such fine athletes.
Jan: Oh, live with it! You'll be fighting off major oglers, while we defend our sexuality.
Missy Pantone: What is your sexuality?
Les: Well, Jan's straight, while I'm... controversial.
Missy Pantone: Are you trying to tell me you speak fag?
Les: Oh, fluently.
Missy: And Courtney and Whitney? Dykadelic?
Jan: Oh no. You see, Courtney doesn't wear anything under her spankies.
Les: That's no excuse Jan!
Jan: I can't help it if my digits slip occasionally!
Missy: Na uh! Slip? Slip where?
Les: Don't make him say it!
Missy: Oh my God.
Jan: My God, too.

Isis: Hey! Enjoy the show?
Lava: Yes, were the ethnic festivities to your liking today?

Courtney: Darcy thinks she should get captain 'cause her dad pays for everything.
Whitney: He should use some of that money to buy her a clue.

Carver: She puts the "ass" in "massive."
Darcy: You put the "lewd" in "deluded."

Whitney: She puts the "itch" in "bitch."
Courtney: She puts the "whore" in "horrifying."

Sparky: Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded.

Sparky: I want you to think of what you ate today. Got it? Now cut that in half, this is called a diet, everyone start one today! Darcy, you should stop eating. You see, when you skip a meal, your body feeds off its fat stores. And if you skip enough, maybe your body will eat your ass!
Courtney: Why does everyone have to go on a diet?
Sparky: Because! In cheerleading we throw people into the air. And fat people don't go as high.

Sparky: Look! I understand that you have underwear up your ass right now, but it's a hell of a lot better than a shattered skull! Think about it!

Toros Squad: That's all right. That's Ok! You're gonna pump our gas someday.

Courtney: Let's not put the "duh" in dumb!

Courtney: I hate to be predictable, but I don't give a shit!

Whitney: Don't play dumb. We're better at it than you.
Torrance: What are you guys talking about?
Courtney: You're having cheer-sex with him!

Aaron: We'll be reunited at Cal Sate Dominguez Hills! I'll be the experienced sophomore, you'll be the hot new freshman. It'll be just like high school, only better: Dorm rooms.

Football Announcer: Our next defeat is scheduled for next Tuesday at 8 o'clock.

Isis: You wanna make it right? Then when you go to Nationals... bring it. Don't slack off because you feel sorry for us. That way, when we beat you, we'll know it's because we're better.
Torrance Shipman: Oh, I'll bring it. Don't worry.
Isis: I never do.

Torrance Shipman: You know, mothers have killed to get their daughters on squads.
Christine Shipman: That mother didn't kill anybody. She hired a hit man.

Courtney: This isn't about cheating. It's about winning. Everyone in favor of winning?

Torrance Shipman: Awesome, oh wow! Like, totally freak me out! I mean, right on! The Toros sure are number one!

Torrance Shipman: Ever been to a cheerleading competition?
Missy Pantone: What do you mean, like a football game?
Torrance Shipman: No, not a football game, those are like practices for us.
Missy Pantone: See, I'm a hardcore gymnast. No way jumping up and down yelling "Go Team Go!" is gonna satisfy me.
Torrance Shipman: Look, we're the shit, the best. We work hard, have fun, and win national championships. I'm offering you a chance to be a part of that.

Aaron: You're a great cheerleader, Tor, and you're cute as hell. Maybe you're just not "captain" material.

Torrance Shipman: So, is that your band or something?
Cliff Pantone: The Clash? Uh... no. It's a British punk band, circa 1977 to 1983-ish, original lineup anyway.
Torrance Shipman: How vintage!

Jan: They don't go, we win; once again, we're the best.
Torrance Shipman: I define best as competing against the best there is and beating them. They can't not go.

Aaron: Big Red's a bitch, we all know that! Even she knows that!

Torrance Shipman: My whole cheerleading career has been a lie.

Torrance Shipman: Courtney, this is not a democracy, it's a cheerocracy. I'm overruling you.

Missy Pantone: All right, let's get it over with. Hey, Torr, get over here.
Torrance Shipman: Why?
Missy Pantone: My brother wants to check out your rack.

Torrance Shipman: Are you intimidated?

Courtney: EXCUSE ME? What's with the song?
Guy at Tryouts: Isn't this the audition for PIMPIN?
Courtney: NO!

Girl @ Tryouts (reminds me of Hobbit #2!!)RCH...! Toros all the way! I'm sorry. i just broke up with my boyfriend!

Cliff Pantone: Oh Torance! Can't stand your cheerleading Squad... But i love your pom poms, I'd feed you bon bons all niiiiiite!

Missy Pantone: It's only cheerleading!
Torrance Shipman: I *am* only cheerleading.

Cliff Pantone: People cheer for cheerleaders?
Torrance: YEAH! Lots of people!

Jenelope: Can we beat these Buffies down so I can go home?

Torrance Shipman: Missy's the poo... so take a big whiff.

Sparky: Report those compliments to your ass before it gets so big it forms its own website!

Missy: Hey perv, hand over your fifteen bucks or get out of here.
Cliff: What are you doing?
Missy: Making money from guys oogling my goodies.
Cliff: Ahhh I didn't need to hear that. That was an overshare.

Les: You know, everyone's saying that your ambition broke Carver's leg.
Torrance: When really it was the angle in which she slammed into the ground.

Sparky: Follow me or perish, sweater monkeys.

Courtney: Big Red has no feelings!
Whitney: Just testicles

Aaron: Come on Torr...I can't mack on you in front of the parentals.

Sports Announcer: Any sport that combines gymnastics, dance, and short skirts is all right by me!

Torrance Shipman: I could make a killing making something like Diet Prozak ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wimps lift weights, cheerleaders lift people!

The only difference between us and ball players is we jump, toss, and catch year round.

Cheer all out or don't cheer at all

The price of cheer shoes...$75. The price of cheer camp...$230. The price of winning your first National Competition...priceless!

I run like a girl, jump like a girl, and pop 10 feet into the air like a girl!

The difference between a big shot and a little shot is... The big shot is just a little shot that kept on shooting!

Hey - there is no halftime for cheerleaders!

It doesn't matter if you win or lose the game - it's how loud you CHEER!

I practiced for 20 hours, nailed my stunts, decorated lockers for the team, painted a zillion posters, washed 428 cars, practiced some more, got the student body pumped up at the pep rally, and rode a 1000 miles on the drafty bus...But hey, NO SWEAT! I'm a cheerleader!

Cheer Attitude- You mess with me, you mess with the whole squad.

Cheerleaders are the only ones who know how to fly high and reach their goals at the same time.

You may think you're all that, but you can't get anywhere without your squad.

Remember...there is always a little girl in the stands that wants to be just like you... don't disappoint her.

Cheerleaders are a team and there is NO I in TEAM!

Extend yourself. Cheer.

I don't just cheer. I inspire.

Cheer-ability is a talent for deciding something quickly and getting everyone in the stadium doing it.

The spirit to win and the will to succeed are measured one stunt at a time.

It's not the glitz of the uniform that matters, but the spirit that shines within it.

You let us win like we let you lose!

All women are created equal, then a few become cheerleaders.

If you've got the game, we've got the cheer.

A cheerleader is a dreamer that never gives up.

Yes, I'm a cheerleader, Yes, I'm an athelete, Yes, I'm a girl... gotta problem with that?

A squad is only as strong as its weakest cheerleader.

If you want to compete... practice. If you want to win... practice harder.

CHEERLEADER: (n.) An athlete who can jump, kick, toss, catch, stunt, tumble, AND fly...

Athlete by nature, cheerleader by choice!

If football is so spectacular, why does it take cheerleaders to excite the crowd?

"Without a conductor there is no orchestra. Without Cheerleaders it's only a game."

Hold my poms while I stunt with your Boyfriend!

Just because we don't run across goalines, slam-dunk basketballs, or hit homeruns... doesn't mean we can't CHANGE THE SCORE!

"Eat. Sleep. Cheer. Repeat."

There are two types of people in this world: cheerleaders, and those who wish they were!

Cheerleading is a rivalry, the competition makes you strong.
It is sharing secrets and tears, learning to get along.
Cheerleading is that ongoing drive to be the very best.
It is patience, perseverance, and very little rest.
Cheerleading is having poise and charm with every word you say.
It is total dedication twenty-four hours a day.
It is always being ready with encouragement and a smile
Cheerleading is your chance to express your individual style
Cheerleading is reaching out to comfort a sister who is sad,
It is defending each other in good times and the bad
Cheerleaders are always there when someone asks,
They treasure the present moment and let go of the past
Cheerleading is a talent to be able to shine on cue
It is hiding the pain and anguish that if only half the people knew
Cheerleaders, after all, are real people that sometimes get down
but when they're in the spotlight, they must never put on a frown
Cheerleaders are actresses always ready to go
That is why it's important for all the world to know
Not every girl can be a cheerleader, it takes a special kind
Cheerleaders are full of life and a little bit out of their mind.

"What matters is not that you be the best, but that you try your best."

"Losers rely on luck. Winners rely on skill."

"Nobody ever drowned in sweat."

"Wrinkles merely indicate where the smiles have been."

"Live your life as an Exclamation rather than an explanation."

"There is no self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others."

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan."

"Think big, believe big, act big, and the results will be big."

"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. "

"I can't do it" never accomplished anything. "I will try" has performed wonders.

"Other people may not have had high expectations for me... but I had high expectations for myself."

"There is no "I" in team. Championship effort is produced by the unselfish contribution of faceless talent."

"You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself."

"Besides pride, loyalty, discipline, heart, and mind, confidence is the key to all the locks. "

"The only thing better than winning is losing knowing you gave your best."

"A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks."

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. "