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AdrianCramp.Com/LinksToDownload good 0 bad 0

Hi & welcome to a  section of my Olympics 2012 where more personal from adrian aslo some favourities SpecialOlympicsGlasgow 2005 go to

Results for 2004 good 0 bad 0

I finished my swimming 2002 though injury it called breatsroker knee so there will be no results poseed for this year log on to this link aslo carry on the story at

Results for 2002 good 0 bad 0

results for 1996,1997,1998,1999 2000

at the bottom

Spalding were as follows.

Reading Cygnets Swimming Club

I am disappointed with relay but that way it goes!

results archive    aslo tese two links link1 & link 2 (more)

Results for 2003 good 0 bad 0

I finished my carrer though injury please look at 2002 last results thanks there is lots of info on Results 2002