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M2 9: Wings of a Butterfly Nebula

M31: The Andromeda Galaxy Supernova Remnant In M82 NGC 4214: Star Forming Galaxy Galaxies Cluster Toward the Great Attractor A Magellanic Starfield NGC 4314: A Nuclear Starburst Ring Spiral Galaxies in Collision The Heart Of NGC 4261 In the Heart of the Tarantula Nebula

NGC 2261: Hubbles Variable Nebula

NGC 2346: A Butterfly Shaped Planetary Nebula







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Ariel’s Personal Page

Freedom is not a reaction; freedom is not a choice. It is man's pretence that because he has choice he is free. Freedom is pure observation without direction, without fear of punishment and reward. Freedom is without motive; freedom is not at the end of the evolution of man but lies in the first step of his existence. In observation one begins to discover the lack of freedom. Freedom is found in the choiceless awareness of our daily existence and activity. Thought is time. Thought is born of experience and knowledge which are inseparable from time and the past. Time is the psychological enemy of man. Our action is based on knowledge and therefore time, so man is always a slave to the past. Thought is ever-limited and so we live in constant conflict and struggle. There is no psychological evolution.

When man becomes aware of the movement of his own thoughts he will see the division between the thinker and thought, the observer and the observed, the experiencer and the experience. He will discover that this division is an illusion. Then only is there pure observation which is insight without any shadow of the past or of time. This timeless insight brings about a deep radical mutation in the mind.

Total negation is the essence of the positive. When there is negation of all those things that thought has brought about psychologically, only then is there love, which is compassion and intelligence."


T oThe formation of the Solar System, AVI, 3 Mb (NASA/JPL)

Protoplanetary disc in the Orion nebula, MPEG, 650 Kb (STScI)







Eta Carinae, one of the most massive stars known, and the spectacular nebula that surrounds it. The star has a mass that is 100 times that of the Sun, and underwent a consistent gas emission approximately 150 years ago, which originated the nebula that can be observed today. This nebula has two lobes and a large and thin disc. The lobes also contain large quantities of dust, that absorbs the blue light, and re-emits it in the red. 


The protoplanetary discs of the Orion nebula,
MPEG, 650 Kb (STScI)





Image Credit: Adian Mann -For more images and a really interesting site visit Adrian here



56K 100K 300K



Neil Armstrong begins his descent to the foot of the steps to become the first man on the moon in July 1969.




Galileo Galilei
It has always seemed to me extreme presumptuousness on the part of those who want to make human ability the measure of what nature can and knows how to do, since, when one comes down to it, there is not one effect in nature, no matter how small, that even the most speculative minds can fully understand.









"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."




Page Created By Ariel Cartaya