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The Santa Barbara show was my first Morrissey concert. Emotions were flying high that fateful Wednesday. Here's my story!

On Wednesday, October 6, 1999 I got to see Morrissey in concert for the first time, in Santa Barbara...and it all happened by chance. I was very disappointed because I was supposed to attend this show with a couple of friends, but we never got the tickets because money was scarce, and from what I knew the show had been sold out. I became very distraught, only because I thought I had blown my chance to see him...but someone came to my rescue. Someone very near and dear to me knew how much I wanted to go, and ended up buying me a ticket. I was surprised with this in late September, and I was excited!! I was finally going to see him...even though I was already going to go the Coachella Festival, I knew it wouldn't be the same as attending Morrissey's own concert. I knew the show in Santa Barbara would be more intimate, for the venue was small. All was well until my friend told me he had sent me the ticket in the mail...two weeks prior. The ticket was floating around, lost who knows where, but I hadn't receinved it, and I figured my chance was blown. I tried not to feel terrible, since I was going to see him in Coachella, but I couldn't help it. The concert was the following week, so I put all hope aside. On Tuesday, the day before the show, I did my usual rounds to the mailbox, only to find it empty. When I get to the apartment, my roommate surprises me with the envelope, and alas, the ticket...It was in my hands. The show was the next day. And if I went, I would go alone. Since I live in Riverside, the drive to Santa Barbara would be at least 2 1/2 hours, and that was fine by me! The drive wasn't what I was worried about--it was going by myself. Not that I ws afraid, but would it seem odd? Then I thought about the situation. I have a Morrissey ticket. Enough said.

The next day at school went quickly as I only had two classes and I was done by 11 o'clock. I told a bunch of my friends what I was going to do and they called me a nut. After school I had to run around and do some last minute errands, such as get my tire fixed (I had gotten a flat a couple of days earlier) and put gas and such. But I was ready to go. I didn't end up leaving until 3 o'clock, and I wasn't on the freeway until 3:15. I was on my way...I had my Morrissey and Smiths cd's at hand, and I was going to listen to them all the way up there!! As I was driving, I kept thinking about how in shock I was going to be when I finally got there. Even though I was going, it hadn't really hit me yet. Driving down the freeway, with the windows down, Morrissey blasting on my cd player ("you're gonna need, someone on your side..."), and with hope, love, and anxiety on my side. I really don't like to drive long distances, but I enjoyed that one. I was nearing Santa Barbara (from what the road signs read) when I saw a silver Acura drive up along side my car. They rolled down their windows and shouted out "YEAH, MORRISSEY BABY!!!!" I assumed they saw the stickers on my car, so I shouted back and we had a good laugh. :) That's when it hit me: I was going to see Morrissey... I ended up following the people in the Acura all the way to the Arlington Theatre, and when we finally parked I got out of my car to meet them. To my surprise, one of the girls in the car asks me "hey, are you Maribel from that one club at Yahoo, 'I'd Love To?' " I'm like, "how did you know that?" and she told me that I had chatted with her a couple times and I had described my car to her (she was in my club). Then she told me her screen named, girlracer, and it all clicked!! What luck to run tinto someone my first few seconds in Santa Barbara. She was with her boyfriend and two others (who were really cool) and we all started talking. Her boyfriend told me that he had a problem: one of his friends couldn't make it to the show, so he had this ticket to sell and he needed to find someone to buy it. I asked him where they were sitting in the orchestra pit, center, row N. I was like "HOW MUCH?!" and he said 45 dollars. Without hesitation I whipped out my wallet and gave him the money. Now, I had a better seat, and four cool people to hang out with...

...After we all met and introduced each other, we decided to walk around downtown SB, near the venue, so we can burn some time while we waited. We went to the McDonalds and even though I hadn't eated all day I had no appetite whatsoever...I was too nervous to eat. The time for the show to get underway was closing in so we walked back to the theatre and began to wait in line. After pleading with the security guard to let me take in camera, we were in and we took our seats. As the guards were showing us to our seats, I couldn't believe how close we were. We sat through El Vez (hilarious) and anxiously awaited the arrival of MOZ. I could feel my heart beating vigorously as I waited. Soon, it was time. All the lights went out, and EVERYONE rushed the stage! Having started out with a seat in the 14th row, I ended up in the 2nd row!! I couldn't believe how close we were to the stage and that in moments Morrissey would be there....

The next day at school went quickly as I only had two classes and I was done by 11 o'clock. I told a bunch of my friends what I was going to do and they called me a nut. After school I had to run around and do some last minute errands, such as get my tire fixed (I had gotten a flat a couple of days earlier) and put gas and such. But I was ready to go. I didn't end up leaving until 3 o'clock, and I wasn't on the freeway until 3:15. I was on my way...I had my Morrissey and Smiths cd's at hand, and I was going to listen to them all the way up there!! As I was driving, I kept thinking about how in shock I was going to be when I finally got there. Even though I was going, it hadn't really hit me yet. Driving down the freeway, with the windows down, Morrissey blasting on my cd player ("you're gonna need, someone on your side..."), and with hope, love, and anxiety on my side. I really don't like to drive long distances, but I enjoyed that one. I was nearing Santa Barbara (from what the road signs read) when I saw a silver Acura drive up along side my car. They rolled down their windows and shouted out "YEAH, MORRISSEY BABY!!!!" I assumed they saw the stickers on my car, so I shouted back and we had a good laugh. :) That's when it hit me: I was going to see Morrissey... I ended up following the people in the Acura all the way to the Arlington Theatre, and when we finally parked I got out of my car to meet them. To my surprise, one of the girls in the car asks me "hey, are you Maribel from that one club at Yahoo, 'I'd Love To?' " I'm like, "how did you know that?" and she told me that I had chatted with her a couple times and I had described my car to her (she was in my club). Then she told me her screen named, girlracer, and it all clicked!! What luck to run tinto someone my first few seconds in Santa Barbara. She was with her boyfriend and two others (who were really cool) and we all started talking. Her boyfriend told me that he had a problem: one of his friends couldn't make it to the show, so he had this ticket to sell and he needed to find someone to buy it. I asked him where they were sitting in the orchestra pit, center, row N. I was like "HOW MUCH?!" and he said 45 dollars. Without hesitation I whipped out my wallet and gave him the money. Now, I had a better seat, and four cool people to hang out with...

...After we all met and introduced each other, we decided to walk around downtown SB, near the venue, so we can burn some time while we waited. We went to the McDonalds and even though I hadn't eated all day I had no appetite whatsoever...I was too nervous to eat. The time for the show to get underway was closing in so we walked back to the theatre and began to wait in line. After pleading with the security guard to let me take in my camera, we were in and we took our seats. As the guards were showing us to our seats, I couldn't believe how close we were. We sat through El Vez (hilarious) and anxiously awaited the arrival of MOZ. I could feel my heart beating vigorously as I waited. Soon, it was time. All the lights went out, and EVERYONE rushed the stage! Having started out with a seat in the 14th row, I ended up in the 2nd row!! I couldn't believe how close we were to the stage and that in moments Morrissey would be there....

El Vez got on stage and was absolutely hilarious! Damn, I didn't know he was so young. I pictured someone a lot...older. :) After El Vez, everyone started going crazy knowing that He would be out soon. I was sooo stomach even started to hurt. Music started to play, creating a riot from the crowd, and after a lengthy intro, Morrissey ran out on stage!! I honestly gasped. I couldn't stop screaming! I could not believe that we were in the same room. He looked so handsome, with his West Ham Boys Shirt and blazer. The entire night, my eyes were just fixated on him. I can't remember little comments he made or anything, I couldn't pay attention. I just kept looking at him. The set lasted a good hour and a half, and when it was finally over, I didn't want to leave. I wanted more! My friends and I filed out of the Arlington Theatre, and walked over to our cars. We headed for the gas station, and then, I was off. As I drove home, I played Morrissey cd's the entire time, and tried to convince myself that it wasn't all a dream.

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