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Natal Chart Analysis

  The natal chart analysis is an in-depth interpretation of the birth chart.We will consider personal energy dynamics, attunment to cycles,spritual and karmic agendas and what ever particular focus you choose to address.

  Your birth chart is a tool for self knowledge and self improvment.We can use this tool to see cause/effect relationships which have been operating in a person's life. We can also Approach the energy patterns stated in the chart from a standpoint of constructive change and transformation.

   The enlightened use of such information suggests expanding not reducing one's options for behavioral response .Taking personal responsibility for what we create through intention or inattention is a major step in personal empowerment.

  The natal chart can reveal certain predispositions and psychological patterns.By becoming aware of the deeper levels of ourselves, we can begin to alter actual consequences in our lives by changing the way we respond to events.

   Natal astrology can provide you with ways to identify and articulate inner processes.This can translate into the power to choose which parts of yourself you wish to nourish and which parts you may wish to confront and transform.

   The function of the astrological lense is to help the individual become more responsible for Self and it's creations.Huxley said,

"Experience is not what happens To's what you Do with what happens to you"
It is helpful to keep this in mind whenever we are using astrology to assist us in our personal lives.
   The Natal chart analysis is not a computer program or prewritten interpretation. In order for this information to have personal relevance,it is necessary for me to have as much information as you feel comfortable sharing. As a counselor I can insure confidentality as no personal information will be communicated on-line.

After the necessary information is exchanged, I will put the information on a 90 minute casette tape and send this to you along with the natal chart.

If you are wanting more information or would like to order a chart analysis Click Here for Email contact.
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