Riding past the 'bra fence' was a bizarre and surreal experience. I was incredulous as to why someone would pin their bra to a roadside fence and who started it all? Anyway, as you can see from the news article below, they are all gone now. No doubt though, those wacky Kiwis will start up another someplace else. All I can say is there are some big women swinging low right now........

Bold as bras . . . ripped off in broad daylight

By Dave Smith Otago Daily Times

Cardrona: Brazen brassiere bandits have uplifted one of the Cardrona Valley's tourism icons.

More than 200 bras, right down to the last D cup, have been snipped off the bra fence, leaving just posts, wire and rabbit netting.

Waiorau Snow Farm owner John Lee was alerted to the undergarment theft just hours after it happened.

Yesterday, Mr Lee could only stand and stare at bare fence wires and ponder who might have done the dastardly deed.

He suspected the bras had been stolen between 8am and 10am yesterday, as snow farm staff had seen them there in the morning.

Whoever took the bras may have a short-lived freedom, as Mr Lee has posted a $500 reward for information leading to the culprits.

"I will donate $500 towards the Cure Kids cause," he said.

Earlier this year, the fence had been blessed by a visiting American minister.

Bras had been appearing on the fence from just after Christmas until February, when about 130 disappeared.

Mr Lee was unperturbed as more bras were hung on the fence, reaching about 280 bras, from functional sports models to enticing lace evening wear.

There had been the occasional theft, but nothing untoward.

Since the bras first appeared, Mr Lee estimated he had given more than 80 radio, television, newspaper and magazine interviews to media around the globe.

Most of the bras had been left by passing travellers but many had arrived in the mail from places like Napier and Timaru, Colorado, Germany, the United States and Israel.

"Never anything from the cities like Auckland or Wellington," he quipped. "I had a lovely green one there from Germany.

"Whoever did this has been pretty determined. They have pulled off the rabbit netting to get to them."

Not that the bras would be of much use, as the thieves had left behind at least one of the shoulder straps.

Wanaka police have been notified of the disappearance.
